When’s the last time you had a good heart-to-heart talk with your house? I mean a real soul-searching, tell-it-like-it-is discussion about your needs and desires? Too many homeowners neglect these meaningful little convos, and as a result, they and their homes both fall into what can best be described as 20th-century not-so-smart home syndrome. Relax, help’s on the way. Today’s latest home automation systems enable your house to do everything it can to please you, from announcing that your carpets need cleaning to letting you know if your wine cellar temperature is a tad too high for your Boudreaux.

Introducing Home Automation...

Home automation has been around since Joseph Henry pioneered the electric doorbell in 1831. Ever since, we’ve loved the idea of having our houses do things for us, making our home environment safer, cheaper to maintain, and...